Emotions R Us



How can someone be addicted to feeling bad? Don’t we normally seek out pleasure rather than pain? It probably does appear to others that the person is addicted to feeling bad… but if you think about it, they probably don’t know anything else. It has been their source of survival, a way of living, for years, and therefore, they probably wouldn’t know how to act any other way.

U 2? Even Swap – No Swindle Abandonment, Denial, & Betrayal

Have you been torn away from your mother at birth and put into the nursery, given up for adoption or been left in foster care, been physically or sexually abused, been unseen or misunderstood by parents or other caregivers, been lied to, been unprotected by a parent or caregivers, been teased or left out with siblings or peers, been left at a young age to care of yourself, a parent, or other siblings?